Flintshire, Wales Genealogy
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The County Families of Flintshire : From Annals and antiquities of the counties and county families of Wales (1872).

Flint, Wales Return of Owners of Land, 1873

Flint, Wales International Genealogical Index (IGI) Batch Numbers. A useful index since searching the IGI by last name only is not permitted unless you search within a single batch of records at a time.

1881 Census of Ships in Denbighshire and Flintshire, Wales

Flintshire county-wide forum at British-Genealogy.com

Flint, Wales : Constables of the Shire to 1874 - Burgesses 1541-1880 - Knights of the Shire 1541-1880 - Rectors 1603-1880 - Churchwardens 1603-1880 - Overseers of the Poor 1749-1883 - Sheriffs 1301-1883 - Guardians 1837-1883

WLS-FLINTSHIRE Genealogy Mailing List at RootsWeb. Topic: pre-1974 county of Flintshire, Wales, United Kingdom. You can search the archives for a specific message or browse them.

CLWYD Mailing List at RootsWeb. Topic: A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in north-east Wales, United Kingdom - in effect, the pre-1974 counties of Flintshire, Denbighshire and the Edeyrnion district of Meirionethshire. You can search the archives for a specific message or browse them.

By Town and Parish

  • St Asaph

    1881 Census: Residents of Union Workhouse, St Asaph, Flint, Wales

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