Bute, Scotland Genealogy
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Scotland : Bute Sons and Daughters Genealogy Forum.

Misc. Bute, Scotland 1841 Census Records

ButeshireGenWeb Mailing List. Topic: A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the county of Buteshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. This county consists of the Islands of Bute, Arran and the Cumbraes. You can search the archives for a specific message or browse them.

Bute, Scotland International Genealogical Index (IGI) Batch Numbers. A useful index since searching the IGI by last name only is not permitted unless you search within a single batch of records at a time.

Bute, Scotland War Memorial : World War 1 & 2.

Buteshire, Scotland Research Database : Birth-Death-Marriage Exchange (archived website - may be unavailable, incomplete, or slow to respond).

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