Ayrshire, Scotland Genealogy
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1837 Ayrshire Directory by Pigot & Co. (Scotland)
Some post 1855 Ayrshire, Scotland Births, Marriages and Deaths
Ayrshire, Scotland Directories by Pigot & Co 1837
Some Ayrshire, Scotland Monumental Inscriptions
Ayrshire, Scotland Born Foreign Buried
19th Century Photographers in Ayrshire, Scotland
Index of Ayrshire (Scotland) Roads Trustees 1767 to 1805
GEDCOMS at WorldConnect with Ayrshire, Scotland Surnames
Ayrshire Poor Relief Database (Scotland). Free registration required.
Ayrshire Surnames Index Database (Scotland). Free registration required.
Ayrshire World Wars Casualty Database (Scotland). Free registration required.
Name index to the book Carrick, Ayrshire - monumental inscriptions pre 1855 (Scotland). A publication of The Scottish Genealogy Society. These pages are presented to help you determine if your surname is indexed and what cemeteries it may be found in.
Migration from Ayrshire, Scotland. Queries about those who migrated prior to WW1 from the three towns: Ardrossan, Saltcoats and Stevenston or from the surrounding area: Kilwinning, Dalry, West Kilbride and Isle of Arran.
Misc. Ayrshire, Scotland Data from Census, OPRs & Kirk Sessions. Over 40 downloadable files of genealogy related data for a name/s or for a town/parish.
Ayrshire Genealogy Mailing List at RootsWeb. Topic: the county of Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. You can search the archives for a specific message or browse them.
Ayr, Scotland International Genealogical Index (IGI) Batch Numbers. A useful index since searching the IGI by last name only is not permitted unless you search within a single batch of records at a time.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald BDM Intimation Databases 1856-1929 (Ayrshire, Scotland). Free registration required.
Ardossan, Ayrshire, Scotland in 1837 Pigot's Directory
Ballantrae, Ayrshire, Scotland War Memorial : World War 1 & 2.
Barrhill, Ayrshire, Scotland War Memorial : World War 1 & 2.
Colmonell, Ayrshire, Scotland War Memorial : World War 1 & 2.
Crosshill, Ayrshire, Scotland War Memorial : World War 1 & 2.
Dalry, Ayrshire, Scotland in 1837 Pigot's Directory
Dalrymple Old Parish Registers (Ayrshire, Scotland)
Dalrymple Churchyard Gravestone Inscriptions (Ayrshire, Scotland)
Fenwick, Ayrshire, Scotland War Memorial : World War 1 & 2.
Girvan, Ayrshire, Scotland War Memorial : World War 1 & 2.
Girvan North End, Ayrshire, Scotland War Memorial : World War 1.
Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland in 1837 Pigot's Directory
Registers of Burials in Kilwinning Parochial Cemetery 1870 - 1897, Ayrshire, Scotland
Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland Poor Relief
Kirkbride Kirkyard, Ayrshire, Scotland. A photographic record of the marked graves accompanied by family history information gathered in connection with the names and dates on the monuments.
Kirkoswald Parish Kirk Session Records 1812-1860 (Ayrshire, Scotland). These session records include rolls of Communicants, contributors to aid the poor, a population survey, the account of an abandoned infant and case of a child's murder.
Parish of Maybole, Hearth Tax For Ayrshire 1691 (Scotland)
Monumental Inscriptions - Kirkwynd Cemetery, Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland (partial) : 192 monuments cataloged in complete detail.
List of Subscriptions for Repair of Maybole Old Church 1874-1876 (Ayrshire, Scotland)
Maybole Family History Message Centre (Ayrshire, Scotland)
1st Ayrshire Volunteer Batalion - Maybole Company Muster Roll. This volunteer unit was formed in Maybole in the early 1900's as part of the Volunteer Force of 1914 -1918. The muster roll contains approximately 160 male names with year of birth, occupation, address and other notes.
Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland Surname Interests
Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland War Memorial : WWI & WWII.
Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland 1883 Directory
List of Subscriptions to Stained Glass Window Fund 1899, Maybole, Aryshire, Scotland
Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland 1949-50 Trades Directory
Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland Ragged School c. 1850. School meeting minutes and detailed entries for 30 pupils.
Maybole Morsels (Ayrshire, Scotland) : Some miscellaneous transcriptions from the archives found in Maybole Town Hall.
Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland 1851 Directory
Ochiltree Parish Church Headstone Inscriptions, Ayrshire, Scotland
Pinwherry School, Ayrshire, Scotland War Memorial : World War 1.
St Quivox
St Quivox, Ayrshire, Scotland 1821 Census. Note : This page might take a while to load.
Stair Parish Church Baptismal Register 1862-1917, Ayrshire, Scotland
Stair Parish Church Cemetery Headstone Index (Ayrshire, Scotland)
Inhabitants of Stevenston, Ayrshire, Scotland taken from the 1819 Landsborough list
Inhabitants of Stevenston, Ayrshire, Scotland taken from the 1822 Landsborough list
Inhabitants of Stevenston, Ayrshire, Scotland taken from the 1836 Landsborough list
Inhabitants Stevenston Parish, Ayrshire, Scotland in 1837
Rev. Landsborough's Lists for the Parish of Stevenston, Ayrshire, Scotland 1819-1836. Rev. Landsborough's certified lists of Male Heads of Families who were members of the Congregation and regular communicants.
Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald BDM Intimation Databases 1856-1929 (Ayrshire, Scotland). Free registration required.
Stevenston, Ayrshire, Scotland Poor Relief
Monumental Inscriptions Stevenston High Kirk, Ayrshire, Scotland
Stevenston, Ayrshire, Scotland World War 1 Roll of Honour
Symington, Ayrshire, Scotland War Memorial : World War 1 & 2.
Troon, Ayrshire, Scotland War Memorial : World War 1 & 2.
West Kilbride
West Kilbride, Ayrshire, Scotland in 1837 Pigot's Directory